Project Samrakshan is initiative planned by IRIA & ICRI to address the high rates of perinatal mortality, low birth weight and preterm babies in India.

Perinatal mortality which comprises of foetal and neonatal deaths between 22wks and 7days after birth is a major public health problem in india.

IRIA Samrakshan aims to reduce perinatal mortality in India through a systematic, phased approach trains and guide Radiologists in India to screen using ultrasound and colour Doppler at 3rd month and 8th month to identify at-risk pregnancies for pre-eclampsia and foetal growth restriction working in collaboration with different stakeholders of perinatal care, promoting health education and public awareness about scenario of perinatal issues through different platform as social media and the general public (posters, videos, ppt, animations, public awareness messages) by IRIA members. Districts like indore, guna, hadra, bhopal are actively participating in programme with the iria efforts numbers are increasing.

Samrakshan trains the radiologist through technical package available at online classes and samrakshan library focused on Pre Eclampsia and Fetal growth restriction and enrol as many members from state. The number of members who have successfully completed courses will be monitored and  through conducting offline training programs, CME, workshops, hands-on training on Samrakshan courses (First-trimester screening and third trimester for screening) that focus on screening for PE & FGR at state and institution levels. Dedicated team of mentors is available to solve and guide the participants.

Samrakshan measure the progress and success of the program using tangible parameters like the number of positive cases detected at first trimester and third trimester has to be recorded through an online excel form which can be updated on a regular basis and monitored by the team.
Samrakshan also focuses synergizing Raksha program with Samrakshan public awareness program to disseminate the social commitment of IRIA to the general public as well as to govt. officials, PCPNDT officers, political and social leaders to be involved in the meetings.  With  Discussion the management strategies to obstetricians, especially at the primary and secondary levels, and neonatologists for the best possible outcomes in the identified at-risk categories is effectively reducing perinatal issues in actively participating district in state.

IRIA Samrakshan aims to present a policy document highlighting the Samrakshan rationale on using technology as an accelerator at secondary care and encourage take up the focus, sensitise other stakeholders, and to convince the leadership that such actions at secondary care to identify and manage a target group as a strategy can yield fast results on the reduction of perinatal mortality and other indices. The impact of this program on the issue of low birth weight babies which India has excluded from the sustainable goals also has to be incorporated in the recommendation policy document.